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Redeemer is a church centered on the gospel, located in Bellevue, Washington, focused on making disciples of Jesus Christ, filled with the Spirit to the glory of God the Father.
To accomplish this vision we focus on three core priorities:

Learning the Word

Living in Community

Loving Others
What to Expect at Redeemer
Are you considering a visit to Redeemer? We would love to see you here. Have some questions? Here are answers to a few of the more common ones so that you might know what to expect.
Where is the Church Located? What time does it start?
Redeemer is located at the crossroads of I-405 and i-90 at 15005 Se 38th St.
We have two services at 9 & 11am.
What should I wear?
There is no formal dress code at Redeemer, although for some reason there seems to be a lot of plaid and flannel.
What is the worship style?
Our musical worship can vary from week to week. You can expect to see a guitar, a piano, a violin, drums and other instruments throughout the month. Our focus is the corporate worship of God by his gathered people as laid out in Colossians 3:16:
16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
We labor for our liturgy and our style to exhort and encourage the congregation to sing the word with conviction and confidence as we remember the gospel throughout the service.
What is the teaching like?
We believe in the expositional and exegetical preaching of God’s word by those called and qualified to do so.
“Expositional” meaning that we largely preach through books of the bible instead of topics.
“Exegetical” meaning that the meaning interpretation of the text is “read out” of the text itself as opposed to Eisegesis which reads a preconceived interpretation into the text.
“By those called and qualified to do so” – We believe that the Spirit calls certain men to oversee the church in Eldership and to serve them. Some Elders are further gifted to preach the Word. At Redeemer you will see Gabe Davis preach the majority of sermons and the other elders sharing the pulpit the remaining weeks.
You can check out the archive of sermons and sermon series by clicking here to get a feel for the type of preaching.
What do I do with my kids?
We provide classes and childcare for kids from 6 months old through 4th grade. Our Redeemer Kids volunteer will help you check your kids into their classrooms where they follow curriculum from The Gospel Project.
If you would rather keep your kids in service you are welcome to do so. If your kids are professing believers in Jesus and you want to retrieve them for Communion near the end of the service you can do that right after the sermon is over.
Students grades 6-12 are welcome at our Student Ministry gatherings on Thursday nights at 6:30pm at the Church.
You can find more information on Kids and Students with these links:
Will I be asked to give?
No. While we encourage members and regular attenders of Redeemer to give toward the continuation of the ministry, we never pass an offering plate. A giving box is located in the back of the worship space for anyone who wishes to give or you can give via our online giving or by text.
Will I have to stand up and say anything?
Nope. We know that church can be a scary place if you’re not used to it, and we are completely fine with you sneaking in the back and checking us out before you get more involved.