Worship & Arts
Becoming followers of the King
We lead and disciple people through our liturgy The forms and orders that we use for our corporate worship habitually turn our hearts to our Savior Jesus Christ.

Corporate Worship
Every Sunday we transition from the Church scattered to the Church gathered together for the purpose of Colossians 3:16: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”

Everyone has a liturgy. The elements and orders that habitually form us, for good or ill. At Redeemer we strive to follow the gospel narrative in our service of Creation, Fall, Redemption and New Creation.
The Gospel Narrative
Each time we gather we image the gospel together through four narrative elements: Creation, Fall, Redemption, and New Creation
We recognize that God is God. That He is the almighty creator of all things, the sovereign king of all creation. He is holy, and wholly other, utterly unique and the source of all thing good and true.
We recognize that God is God and we are not. Mankind, although created “very good” desired to elevate himself above the creator, to not only be steward of creation but the ruler. We lament the reality of sin and our fallen nature, confessing that we are hopelessly helpless in our plight and need help.
We rejoice in the saving grace of Jesus Christ who condescended to humanity, truly man, and truly God, and took on the sin of the world as the substitutionary atonement for our sins through his crucifixion and resurrection.
New Creation
We anticipate and celebrate the fullness of the Kingdom of God when Jesus returns to judge the living and the dead in holiness.
Sunday Playlist
Each week we sing about five songs together during our Sunday morning gathering. Use the playlist below to listen to the songs before coming to familiarize yourself with them so we can sing confidently as we proclaim the glories of God as one body.
A Hymnody is the body of songs a church sings. You might hear some of the songs on the playlist below more or less at Redeemer, but they are all songs we have sung, are currently singing, or will sing that have shaped our corporate discipleship.
We have a variety of ways you can serve in worship and arts, from music and technology to decor and design. We are open to a range of gifts, abilities and skill levels and can provide training for those who want to learn! Get involved now by reaching out to Riley.
Ask our Pastor of Worship & Arts: Riley Forrest